Symposium 2024


Money and Relationships in Education


Sligo School Project

25th of May 2024

Organised by the Patron Body of Sligo School Project

For teachers and parents alike, caught up in the thralls of everyday busy-ness it is often difficult to allow for thought to go beyond solving the sheer practical day-to-day issues. For the day of the Symposium we grant ourselves the freedom to pause and think together a bit deeper.

Our topic this year is Money and Relationships in Education.

The Symposium will take place on Saturday, 25th of May,

in the time from 11:00 – 15:00 h

at Sligo School Project, Abbeyquarter, Sligo (F91XF51).

There will be two discussion rounds with a break of 45 minutes in between.

The format of the Symposium is geared towards extensive input from the side of participants. We will start the day with a presentation of approx. 30 minutes to sketch the scope of the topic. The rest of the time will be devoted to discussion in the plenary and in smaller groups.

Home-made food will be provided during the break.

Child-minding is available on request.

Participation in the symposium is open to anyone with an interest in the topic of the day. Participation is free of charge, but prior registration is necessary.

For registration please click here for a registration form. Please provide us with the details requested and send the form to our email-address:, we will then get in contact with you to confirm participation.

Alternatively, if you despise registration forms, you may just as well put into an email (sent to Your name, your email-address, your contact phone number, your institutional background (if applicable), how you heard about the symposium, would you bring children with you to the symposium (and if so, how old are they), and any questions that you would like to ask. We will then get in contact with you and confirm participation.