The first symposium was held on the principle of child-centredness.
It took place in June 2010. Here was the program:
10.00 – 11.30 a. m.
Anna Mitchell (past parent and current director of SSP)
“Early influences” within Sligo School Project.
Before her retirement Anna was a lecturer at the School of Nursing, Sligo. She is a current director of Sligo School Project. She wrote:
“My name is Anna Mitchell (also known as Anna Kenny). I registered the first of my four children in the Sligo School Project in June 1990. I have never regretted that decision but in fact have regularly congratulated myself on it, especially when I see its influence reflected in the children. In sometimes similar and sometimes different but always interesting and constructive ways, that decision affected me, my children, their grandparents, friends and neighbours throughout the years. I have recently become re-involved with Sligo School Project to see if I can encourage others to benefit from the type of experiences my family has had.”
“In my presentation I will share some of those experiences with you. I will explain which influences were there behind them and how they emanated from a living expression of the ethos of the school as laid out in the five principles.”
Tamsin Cavaliero, Lecturer IT Sligo (Early Childhood Education), Home School Liaison Service Sligo
12.00 – 1.30 p. m.
Noel Loftus (National Council for Curriculum and Assessment, NCCA)
“Child-centredness & curriculum”.
Noel Loftus, MA (Education), Dip. Ed. Admin. (NUI), is an education officer with the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA). He began his teaching career as a class teacher and later as a teaching principal. He also held the positions of school advisor and later as regional co-ordinator with the Department of Education and Skills school support service, School Development Planning (Primary). Noel has presented widely on the theme of multi-grade teaching. He is currently working in his role with the NCCA to respond to challenges reported by primary teachers relating to assessment and curriculum overload. He has shared this developmental work at national and international conferences including the European Conference for Education Research, the Education Studies Association of Ireland and the Irish Primary Principals’ Network.
The presentation seeks to prompt discussion on the principle of child-centred education
in the context of the Primary School Curriculum (1999). To that end, it will briefly set out the theory underpinning the child-centred nature of the curriculum and then probe the reported reality in schools.
Robert Hamm, educator, handball-coach, NCDP-tutor, author, current director of Sligo School Project
2.00 – 3.30 p. m.
Lorraine Kelly (present parent and member of the Council of SSP)
Present day issues and current views on child-centredness.
Lorraine Kelly, Graduate Bachelor of Arts Social Studies Institute of Technology Sligo – particular interest in democratic education.
Children First Training 2008, Community work placement in The Netherlands (developing services for families and young children) 2009.
Present parent Sligo School Project, Member of Sligo School Project Council, Treasurer Parents Association
“Present day issues and current views on Child-centredness”
This workshop will consist of a short 10 minute presentation on current day issues and views on “child-centredness”. Topics for presentation include rights of the child, needs of the child and freedom of choice. Following the presentation there will be facilitation of discussion on topics presented.
Jessica Mannion, Social Studies Graduate Institute of Technology Sligo